The Graduate Recruitment Specialists
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Reject rejection & find the perfect graduate job!


Rejection is a common part of the job hunting process, but understandably it can be hard to take – especially when you have dedicated a lot of time and energy into securing a role. As a graduate looking to find your first post-university position, rejection could be something that you have to get used to; the number of recently qualified graduates is lot higher than the number of well paid, exciting and progressive graduate jobs.

As difficult as it is to hear that you are “not right” for the job or that there was “a candidate that was a better fit”, it is important to not get disenfranchised and do your upmost to remain positive during what can be a trying time. Although it can be tough, try and see each missed opportunity as a learning experience. Taking an optimistic stance will not only help you deal with the stresses of a graduate job hunt in a better way, but it will also come across when you are meeting with prospective Employers – they won’t know that this is your fifth interview and you are starting to lose confidence, they may just think that you are unenthusiastic!

Here at Celsius, our Talent Managers represent a large number of recent graduates. To become a Celsius Graduate you have to first of pass one of our Assessment Days. These days are designed to establish if you have the right attitude, aptitude and skill set to fill one of our Client’s roles within the technology sales arena. We believe that we represent the best of the best, and although a large number of our candidates DO find the right graduate job for them after their first couple of interviews, we don’t see it as a negative when someone doesn’t. We just make sure we continue to build their sprits, maintain the level of confidence that got them to this stage in the first place and provide as much valuable feedback to them as possible.

One of the most important things to remember is that although it is obviously important that you impress a potential Employer, it is also as vital that you find the right graduate job for you! Though rejection is never a nice thing, surely it is better to find a role that is going to challenge you stimulate you and most importantly you are going to enjoy! Especially when you are at such a pivotal point in time – the decisions that you make now really will shape the rest of your life and your career! As cliché as it may sound, if a company decides that you are not right for them it is probably for the best and something better and more suited to you is likely to be just around the corner!

Some important things to remember:

  • A recruitment process can take a long time – Some people get lucky and fall into the perfect graduate job for them straight away, for others it takes a bit longer. Be patient, the right role for you will come along!
  • Always ask for feedback – You have spent time preparing for and attending an interview, you are well within your rights to ask for constructive feedback! At Celsius we always provide our candidates with feedback from interviews – we know it is the only way to help you prepare and improve for you next interview!
  • Take on board the feedback you are given – It is one thing to ask for feedback, but if you don’t listen to it and process what has been said then it is pointless. Criticism – constructive or otherwise – is never easy to take in! However, try to not be emotional and try to be reflective. Think back to the interview and use your feedback to work out areas of improvement for next time! If your feedback was all positive and someone else just pipped you to the post; build on this and go to your next interview with confidence!
  • Stay positive – This is the best advice that we can give you! Enthusiasm, confidence, passion and drive are the essential qualities Employers look for when filling their graduate jobs! Do not give up – the right position is out there for you!


To find out how to become a Celsius Graduate, contact the team today: North 0161 274 9800 / South 0203 693 8165 or send your CV to and a member of the team will be in touch.

For tips on how to best utilise LinkedIn as a graduate, click here!

For advice on things you can do now to help you secure the perfect graduate job for you, click here!

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North Call: 0161 274 9800
South Call: 0203 693 8202

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Celsius Graduate Recruitment
3 Crossford Court
Dane Road
M33 7BZ

Central London Office
Celsius Graduate Recruitment
99 Bishopsgate
1st Floor